Friday 28 September 2012

Ecology: Becoming an eco-nomad: Knowledge

The first thing you have to do to become an eco-nomad is to read up on ecology and sustainability. It's something you can do while still living a sedentary life and working a full time job, although it's going to be easier if you have more time at your disposal (more on 'time' later). This is the most important step because if you skip it you would just become a nomad, maybe equally destructive in your lifestyle as most sedentary people in our society nowadays. Even if you're not directly planning to become a nomad, I still suggest reading up on these topics. It is so incredibly important to have this knowledge, because it changes your entire view on the world and your place in it.

You become aware that everything is connected with each other in this world. You are connected with everything in this world. You don't live in a bubble. Every action you take has an effect on others and your surroundings. Because of our recent globalization you can quite literally say that an action you take can be felt on the other side of the world. It is so important to know this. Every unecological action you take has an unecological effect somewhere on this world and on others, be is close or far away. The same goes for every ecological action.
It's also important to know that every individuals action does matter, including yours. The sum of every individuals action on this planet created the state we are in now. If you change your actions it will have an effect on the sum of all actions. You do make a difference, be it positive or negative, no matter what.

Now, if we take the previous into account it is important to know what exactly is ecological and what isn't. Yet, most people in our Western society rarely think about this, which is why we are so destructive in nature. To help you on your way to become a nomad I suggest reading up on 2 topics: Mobility and food.
Mobility to know how to travel as ecologically as possible, which is pretty important if you're going to be a nomad. Food, simply because you have to eat like any other person on this planet.

Now read up! It's important! If you really don't know where to start, let me know and I'll give you some further advice. ;)

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