Friday 21 September 2012

Motivations: A dream no longer a dream!

Hello all!

It's been a while now, hasn't it? ;)

Well, after my previous post I haven't been sitting still if that's what you think. I did a lot of fieldwork lately and you can take that quite literally. I did a first exploration into the world of eco-activism. Quite interesting! The Climate Action Camp brought a new green vibe in my hometown and a lot of people felt like working around the project that came out of this camp. Since then I've been circling around my hometown to also work on that project.

Because I stayed in the vicinity of my hometown, I was able to go through my stuff with this as a result:

All the shelves are empty and so is the entire room! As of today I can say that I can fit everything in my backpack! A lot of stuff got thrown out, some stuff was sold and other stuff I gave to friends who'll probably use it.  One of my dreams came true! :)

Now that that's done, I can focus on other things, because it took me quite some time to go through all of my stuff. Now that I no longer have to spend time getting rid of stuff I can use that time for other things, other dreams. Now what will the next dream be I'll be focusing on? I have to think about it and I'll let you know as soon as I know.

I'm really glad to write again, because I really missed it. Hope to write more posts again from now on!


  1. Heb je ergens een post over wat er allemaal in je rugzak zit? Dat zou ik wel interessant vinden, wat is er allemaal essentieel?

    1. Nog niet. Ik dacht dat sowieso wel eens te doen, maar het is er nog niet van gekomen. Merci om me daar nog eens aan te herinneren. ;)
