Monday, 2 July 2012

Ecology: The start of an ecological mindset

"I studied business management, marketing for two years." I mostly get raised eyebrows when I tell this to people, because most people who got to know me now really don't expect that. Yet, the reason why I did only two years instead of the full three years to finish the course and get a bachelor degree was because of the lack of ethics involved. Everything was reduced to numbers, including people, and the only thing that counted was the profit of the company of which you were making a study case. After two years of mindless studying my conscience couldn't take it any more. I still remember that moment very vividly. "What the h*ll am I doing?" I asked myself. "Why on earth would I go down a path that would make me regret the things I will be doing in the future?" That moment I made the decision to not go further down that path. I still remember how I literally fell a weight being lifted off my shoulders.

That moment was the beginning of an intense period full of change. I quit my studies and started to go in the direction my conscience was taking me. I really didn't know where it would take me but it felt right. This direction appeared to be very nature friendly. I soon became interested in everything that had to do with ecology, from nutrition to architecture, from agriculture to mobility. During a period of several months I started reading everything on this topic that I could get my hands. Not much later I moved out of my parents house, to go live in the Bereklauw for a short time. A wonderful experience that strengthened my new ecological mindset.

Most of my family still regret that I quit my studies, but I consider it one of the best decisions I've ever made in my life. It has enriched my life in ways I couldn't imagine. It was a decision made purely from the heart on which followed a big leap into the unknown. I made a similar decision not too long ago, which made me the traveler I am now. It are those decisions that have the strongest impact on your life, in my opinion. They can be very confronting at times, but it's worth it. Following your heart is always worth it. If you feel you're in a situation where your heart is being neglected and your conscious acts up, I would suggest to listen to them and act accordingly. I'm not saying it won't be difficult, I certainly had some hard times back then, but you're staying true to yourself that way and that's what's most important.

My ecological activities have now changed because of my travelling. I used to volunteer in quite a few organisations which I sadly can't do anymore. On the other hand, now I sometimes encounter other people who also have an ecological mindset, which is also a way of spreading the green word. I learn from them and they learn from me. I also always cook vegan when I'm staying with people and travel as ecologically as possible.

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